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Review of Macbeth

The lights dimmed. A sudden crackle of thunder. Lightning flashed as four shadowy figures, dressed in glamorous red dresses and jackets, strutted to the front of the stage.

This was how this year’s Senior School production of Macbeth started off, an abridged forty minute show which took place on both Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Vedaant Jean Paul and Terri Ryan starred as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth on Tuesday, with Charlie Bull and Ava Lewis taking on the lead roles during the Wednesday showing. The adaptation had been modernised, with the witches donning leather jackets, and the soldiers in the cargo pants. However, it stayed true to its Shakespearean roots by using the original dialogue from the script.

All of the cast wowed me with their spot on expressions and acting. And the decisions by the teachers were well done regarding the staging and positioning of the characters, making full use of the stage. Some parts which stood out to me were the short but impressive monologue by the porter, whose unerring impression of a drunk and confused man highly entertained the audience. Another favourite was the dramatic and well known monologue of Lady Macbeth’s ‘Out, damned spot’, the intense portrayal of Lady Macbeth’s descent into madness striking me as extremely powerful.

The play ended on a rather chilling note, as the newly crowned king of Scotland, Malcolm, was encircled by the four witches. Trapped, in their grip as the lights faded out. A circular ending that alluded to one of Macbeth’s experiences from the beginning of the play. But when the lights turned on, the cast were all smiles and bows, thanking the production crew and the director of the play, Ms Edwards, for all their hard work.

My attention was held the entire time, and so was the rest of the audience’s, judging by the overwhelming applause. Forty minutes seemed almost too short for such a magnificent performance.

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